Just a Secretary, a cuppa tea and something peeping around the corner

The 1st of September celebrates both Spring Day and Secretary's Day in South Africa.
Spring is around the corner!
Someone awesome once said "As soon as you sit down to a cup o' tea and a fag, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until your cuppa is cold and you only took one drag of yer fag."   I wonder who that smart-ass was?

Anyhoo, this indeed is the life of Secretary or the Administrative Assistant.  The secretary is responsible for managing the every single thing in the office, running errands for the boss, correspondence, typing, filling forms and fulfilling many other dogs-body duties.  They take care of each and everything so that the office runs smoothly and the every work of their boss will be completed accurately in time. They are the wee hand which has a big role in the success of the company and aren't always appreciated as they should be.  

To all those Office Admin people out there - Happy Secretary's Day!

And finally Spring is on its way to South Africa.  The days are getting warmer and the shorts and t-shirts need to be washed and ironed.  

I've only been bitching about the winter for 5 months...roll on Summer!

Chloë Cat



summer's end

harper's bazaar spain

kanon vodka / grand life / hamptons party

this weekend i was invited to the KanonVodka / GrandLife party in the hamptons.
there was an intimate show by the band TheRapture- they sound amazing live!
many delicious mixed drinks + super fab guests made for an awesome night ♥
check out ALL my photographs of the event over on Kanon's BLOG.

Pilar Montenegro (Galeria 3)

TV Notas, H para Hombres

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beautiful stranger


love the styling here! done by Samira Nasr so of course i love it.
she was the first stylist i helped at harper's bazaar when i started my internship :)
and no it's not bias. her editorials are proof!


i've been looking for some cute alternative to flip flops for beach trips + for
after getting pedicure- i finally found these over at STARLA

Guess Who Got an Award?!

1. Thank the person who gave this award to you:

I've recently started following Beth from Two Monkeys and a Wash Tub.  She has some awesome giveaways but I seem to make her laugh - but I'm not sure this "sweet" award is appropriate for me -  I dunno what blog she's been reading...

2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.


3. List three things which you love about yourself.
  • My wicked sense of humour and warped mind.  I amuse myself a lot just with my own vivid imagination.
  • I'm a good friend and will walk to the ends of the earth for my peeps. 
  • My awesome smokin' hawt philtrum
4. Post a picture you love. 

Our Camping Group of Friends (HKGK)
 This picture is full of special people!  Our close group of friends - we camp together, we laugh together, we drink together, we do most things together...Love you all!

5. Pass this award on to 5 of the sweetest bloggers:

Ami Mental 

Juggling Act of Life

Nocturnal Queen

Red Means Go

Hootin' Anni

I don't really do "sweet" but I do have lots of sweet bloggers I follow.

I thought I'd add ONE more thing to this award just because the songs name is Black Horse and Cherry Tree and its one of my favourties by KT Tunstall
.  Enjoy!

Gemini - The Twins

The Twins
I'm not one to read my star signs or believe too much in astrology, I don't like to label people (espeically myself) or put them in a box.


I'm a typical Gemini - the mercurial butterfly.

I was born on a Wednesday on the 19th of  June 19.. (I won't tell you)

We are said to be adaptable, versatile, communicative and witty.  Intellectual, intuitive and eloquent (excuuuuse me), youthful and lively.  They say we are fickle, talkative and have an interest for the unusual.   Gemini's are also said to be nervous and tense, superficial and inconsistent as well as cunning and inquisitive.  

All true with regards to me.

Gemini is an air sign which means we are thinkers.They emphasize the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the air signs are the natural born communicators. They can be light and breezy as the breath of spring, but their words can also carry the power of a gale force wind. Yes, we're linked with wind - perhaps thats why

I share a birthday with some famous people too - Kathleen Turner, Paula Abul,  Wallis Simpson and Brian Welsh from the Band Korn.  I wonder if they're just like me?

Do you believe in star signs, astrology and do you "fit the bill" when it comes to the star sign you fall under? What famous people share your birthday? 

Anyone care to provide me with a reading?

Good vs Wicked

warm up

vogue nippon

these images are so gorgeous- i can't stop staring!
can i please live in this editorial?!

Corrine Day

'The Face' July 1990


photographer Corrine Day has shot some of my favorite images. so sad.

I don't have the energy for fake conversation so step inside a shopping bag and meet me in the men's bathroom.

One Hump or Two?
You've never heard of that one? 

Surely its not just me!!  They say when you fancy a bit of public shagging, don't do it at a store in the dressing rooms.  Boring! 

Go to the men's bathroom - blokes generally don't use the stalls that often.  They drain the one-eyed snake at the urinals and get the fuck outta there.  So...you're less likely to get caught if you use the men's bathroom.  One step better....one of you steps inside a shopping bag so if someone suspects any humpy pumpy going on and they peek underneath the stall, all they see is one set of feet and a shopping bag.

Genius or wot??

Another public shagging tip (seeing as we're on the subjecct) if you want to become a member of the Mile High Club, book yerself on a night flight when people will be sleeping, book the back seats in the back row.  The toilets are far too cramped and so unsanitary.  You don't wanna get your membership the old-fashioned way...and I'm not talking about your private pilot's license.


If you wanna get busy in a car, do it at the top of a multi-level parking garage.  Generally its quiet and there aren't any other cars in sight so its less likey that you'll get a knock on your steamed-up window from the Boys in Blue.


Any Golfers out there?  This is the perfect place for a bit of public lovin'.  Choose a public golf course (usually the country clubs are a bit sticky on finding trespassers and non-members on their land).  Not only is the grass soft and well-manicured, but the risk of getting biten by ticks or accidentally getting a stick lodged in yer bum or even the risk of poison ivy (like in the deep of the woods) is minimal.  No one wants ticks suckin'on their testicals.

Ever been caught by your offspring?  Its no laughing matter when you're grunting and sweating like a pig and your 5 year old silently comes into the room and you don't even notice they are there until you hear the tiny little voice piping up "Faster, Mummy, Faster!".  Instant limp noodle, I reckon, but it is still a wee bit funny.

Any other suggestions?

Retro Reminiscing

I found these old adverts for retro cars that used to mean something to me.

Under R2000?  I spend that on groceries these days!!
This was my first car that I owned.  A wee second-hand powder blue Ford Escort 1.3 which was completely stuffed!  I soon found out that the poor wee thing only ran on 3 cylinders and barely got up Jan Smuts Avenue in the mornings!  I paid R5000 for this second hand fucked-up wee Ford that I named Clifford.
Remember this one?  It was like riding in a frikken boat with all the damn hydraulics!  My pal's Dad had one and it always made me sea sick and want to puke driving in this massive hunk of steel.
I still think Mini's are still damn cool.  I'll bet that wee GTS kicked some serious but on the drag strip!  Now it is only driven by wee old ladies.... 

Yeah, my dad drooled over this Jag back in the day.  His dream car!
1000 engine....Cuuuuute!  Is that a picture of campers at Woodstock? Is that guy on the left taking a dump next to his mini?
Why the Fuck is there a doe-eyed woman with a crocheted skull cap in this advert?  I can't seem to tie up the Datsun 2000 and her.  The fact that her expression suggests she's just going to be hit head-on by the car, wide eyes and flared nostrils -  Such pretty road-kill. 

and now for something completely different....

Thanx to one of my Blog Readers for this link.  Yes, its "Chuck" singing with one of my favourite old Idols Contestants Katherine McPhee.  Well, she's certainly not old but I mean one of the earlier Idols Contestants. I must admit I don't care much for her short blonde hair - she's much prettier as a brunette - but Zach is HAWT!!!!  The song is a little cheesy for me...but just coz Zach is in it - that makes it kewl.

Everyone could use a little magic in their life

Eastwick cast
I've recently discovered Eastwick which has only reached South Africa now and is currently airing Season 1.  I am disappointed to find out there only is one season of this kick-ass series.  What the hell went wrong?

The show follows the lives of three strangers, Roxanne, Joanna and Kat, who meet at a wishing fountain and soon become friends. A mysterious man named Darryl Van Horne moves to Eastwick and, following an unknown plan, befriends the women and unleashes their supernatural powers.

Lindsay Price plays Joanna, a reporter,  in the series and I just love her quirky "Nancy Drew" feel.  She makes me laugh...

Another show I'm enjoying is Chuck.  The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working in the CIA and the message embeds the only remaining copy of the world's greatest spy secrets into Chucks brain.

Chuck Cast
Thanx to geeky but loveable Bartowski, my seven year old daughter now wants to become a spy when she grows up!  Season 4 of this series started in the states last week and I can't wait until all the Season are on DVD to watch them when I want.

This got My Boerewors and I talking about old TV series that we enjoyed growing up.  

Angela Lansbery
I remembered Murder, She Wrote and the nosey old bat and mystery writer, Jessica Fletcher who I didn't want to miss every week on telly.  

My mum and I used to get so mad with my dad because he always figured out the plot within the first 10 minutes of the episode and always who the murderer was.  He used to brag to us that he knew who it was and would point out clues that would give it away.  He'd say "Now there's a clue!" and I remember saying; "Aw Dad! Don't spoil it for us".



adore this look!

Giorgia Palmas (Galeria 1)

Calendario y Revista Max

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